Other Policies
Members of WKKA are part of a special group of martial artists, dedicated to the study and practice of traditional Japanese karate. As with most sports organisations, we must be governed by a set of rules and regulations, ensuring a mutual understanding of all members and the safety of one another.
To support this, members of WKKA follow a number of policies to ensure that we all work together, to the same set of standards, regardless of where we practice karate. These policies are private for members of WKKA so are only available to view upon request, in person, via the Country Chief. To contact the Country Chief for WKKA Scotland, Donald Morrison, please email wkkascotland@gmail.com or telephone on 07887 795070.
The policies available to view are:
Code of Conduct
Equality Statement
Photography and Social Media Policy
Risk Management Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Coronavirus Policy
These policies were last updated on 9th September 2020. We are committed to reviewing our policies and best practices regularly.